Philippines "skate"

Today we decided to do something traditional. We had talked to the manager here at CWC Anne Buan and she told us about a skate. Basically a 4ft x 8ft boxcar that rides on railroad tracks. It has a small engine, 2 small benches, and brakes that barely work. It clips along at about 30 to 40 km/h(15 to 20 mph for you americans) through poorer neighborhoods in the philippines(this is how you spell it Matt Sacc). So we took the 20 minute trip from CWC to Naga.
When two "skates" meet, the rule of thumb is the one with less people get off and move the skate from the tracks while the other goes on it's way. Although traveling through the rougher country side, everyone is very friendly, waving and wanting us to take pictures of them. You would think they had never seen white people before but most likely white people riding a skate!
Hope you like the vid.

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